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Board Members

Position Name/Email
President Mike Brenner
VP of Administration Kelli Balderrama
VP of Operations JR Bennett
VP Player Support Scot Austin
VP of Registration Josh De Piano
Secretary Anh Shear
Treasurer Robert Aguirre
Umpire-in-Chief John Bennett
Manager/Coach Administrator Christian Ramirez
Equipment & Safety Administrator Jesse Rodriguez
Division Agent/Player Rep Matt Gutensohn
Field Services Jeremy Taylor
Uniforms Vacant
Sponsor & Team Coordinator Vacant
Pictures & Awards Jason Guerrero
Ceremonies/Events/Volunteers Vacant
Web Master Jim Mugno
Snack Bar Manager Connie Garcia
Snack Bar Manager Assistant Ashley Brenner
Snack Bar Manager Assistant Vacant
Fundraising Tarah Auld

Mike Brenner - President


Chief Executive Officer presides as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Executive Board and at all General Meetings.

Executes all policies and decisions made by the Board.

Coordinates all League activities and oversees all phases of League functions.

Keli Balderrama- VP of Administration


Assumes all duties of the President if the President is unable to do so, or at the request of the President.

Assists the President in all League activities.


JR Bennett - VP Operations

Assumes all duties of the President if both the President and Vice President are unable to do so.

Assist the President in all League activities. 

Coordinates all activities with Orange Unified School District and the Anaheim Recreation and Parks Department, with regard to permits and facilities.

Responsible Officer for the Field Services Chairpersons and the Umpire-in-Chief.

Scot Austin - VP Player Support


Responsible Officer for all Division Agents (6U/8U, 10U, and 12U/14U). Along with the Division Agents, assists with the organization and execution of preseason evaluations and team formation.

Presents any problems pertaining to the players, managers or coaches that require Board action to the Executive Board.

Coordinates and oversees the All-Star selection process and is a standing member of the All-Star Committee. Shall periodically review the policies and procedures relating to All-Star selection, and make recommendations to the Board.

Josh De Piano - VP Registration

Responsible Officer for all aspects of the organization and execution of pre-season registration, USA Softball registration, All-Star registration, and background checks.

Robert Aguirre - Treasurer


Properly records all funds. Prepares checks for the purpose of paying approved bills and other approved expenses incurred in running the organization. Properly records all payments.

Anh Shear - Secretary


Makes arrangements for all meeting rooms. Keeps the minutes of all Board Meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice President of Administration, and the Vice President of Operations, calls the meeting to order and presides until the election of a Chairperson ProTem, which should be done immediately.  Ensures Board Meeting minutes are typed and handed out prior to the next scheduled Board Meeting

Christian Ramirez - Manager / Coach Administrator 

Responsible for the procurement and maintenance of League training materials. Responsible for organizing League training for managers and coaches and/or referral to outside training clinics.

Coordinates the registration of managers and coaches to ASA sponsored clinics or other coaching clinics deemed appropriate.

Maintains records of coaching clinic certifications and attendance.

Jesse Rodriguez - Equipment and Safety Administrator 


Provides procurement, security, accountability, and distribution of all equipment used by League teams only, in League play, including practices and tournaments.

Maintains a written record of equipment, as defined above, owned by the League and/or owned by organizations such as the Recreation and Parks Department, which is on loan to the League.

Matt gutensohn -  Division Agent / Player Rep.


Represents the interests of each Participating Member playing in the Division and ensures that all actions taken by managers, coaches, Board or General Members are taken for the well-being and welfare of these younger members.

Jeremy Taylor - Field Services


Oversees the preparation of the playing fields prior to scheduled League games, including hiring and payment of field service personnel if adult volunteers are unavailable.

Vacant - Ceremonies / Events / Volunteers

Organizes and coordinates the opening and closing ceremonies.  Organizes and coordinates special events.

Organizes and coordinates the end of fall season event with the Fall Ball and Fall Tournament Chairperson, if any.

 Helps to fulfill volunteer needs for league events and games.

Jason Guerrero - Pictures and Awards


Responsible for scheduling and distributing individual and team pictures and awards in conjunction with the Sponsors and Team Coordinators Chairperson.

Vacant - Uniforms

Purchases and distributes necessary softball wearing apparel as approved by the Board, for the Fall, Spring, and All-Star seasons.

Vacant- Sponsors and Team Coordinators


Maintains a list of all team coordinators. Conducts both an orientation meeting at the beginning of the season and a mid-season review to secure required volunteers for the snack bar and tournament duties.

Jim Mugno - Webmaster

Coordinates and maintains the league Internet website and social media.

 Connie Garcia - Snack Bar Manager

Prepares Snack Bar Schedule. Develops an operating budget.  Purchases supplies.  Runs the OCGSL snack bar at Peralta and OCGSL fields.  

Vacant - Snack Bar Manager Assistant

Prepares Snack Bar Schedule. Develops an operating budget.  Purchases supplies.  Runs the OCGSL snack bar at Peralta and OCGSL fields.  

Vacant - Snack Bar Manager Assistant

Prepares Snack Bar Schedule. Develops an operating budget.  Purchases supplies.  Runs the OCGSL snack bar at Peralta and OCGSL fields.  

 Tarah Auld - Fundraising


In charge of organizing fundraisers for OCGSL. 

If you would like to contact a specific person on the board, click on the link provided next to the member or

send your email to:


Contact us by mail!

PO BOX 17244

Anaheim, CA 92817

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